Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst response to UK Government Announcements
Stevenage, UK, December 7 2011 – Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst (SBC), the UK’s first open innovation bioscience campus, welcomes the Government’s recent announcements regarding investment in the life sciences sector. SBC is pleased to have been involved in the consultation surrounding the development of these documents.
It is our belief that incentivising investment in early stage life sciences businesses goes a long way to ensuring the future of the sector in the UK. In particular, the announcement of a new £180m Biomedical Catalyst Fund for innovative life science businesses comes at a time when it is greatly needed.
Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst welcomes the greater emphasis being placed by Government in these announcements on connectivity, collaboration and partnership throughout the UK life sciences sector. We believe that we are well positioned to help deliver the value that increased collaboration generates.
Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst is a joint venture between the Department of Business, Innovation & Skills, GlaxoSmithKline, the Wellcome Trust, the East of England Development Agency and the Technology Strategy Board. The £38m development will be an independent bioscience facility and is due to open in Q1 2012.
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