SBC to attend two leading pharmaceutical conferences in September

Launch of DiscoverAssist drug discovery service

Stevenage, UK, September 3 2012 – Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst (SBC), the
UK’s first open innovation bioscience campus, will be attending two leading UK
pharmaceutical conferences in September. DiscoverAssist, its new service offering
guidance on all aspects of cost-effective drug discovery from target generation
onwards, will go live at ELRIG Drug Discovery 2012 and PharmSci 2012.

DiscoverAssist builds on the expertise of its team, which has decades of relevant
industry experience, to guide small drug discovery projects. Building on the open
innovation ethos at SBC, it welcomes projects from academia, small companies and
charities, or any other organisation needing to tap into its expertise. Professors Stan
Roberts of Manchester University and Bill Dawson of Bionet Ltd, both members of
the team, will be at ELRIG Drug Discovery 2012 and PharmSci 2012 respectively.

‘Across the UK life sciences sector there are many assets requiring access to drug
discovery expertise to take them to the next value level ‘ said Dr Martino Picardo,
CEO of Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst. ‘Through the launch of DiscoverAssist we
look forward to helping these projects progress, with patient benefit the ultimate

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