MIMIT joins forces with SBC and AHSC TTOs
MIMIT joins forces with Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst and Academic Health Science Centre TTOs in England to tackle targeted drug delivery particularly in relation to neuro-degenerative disorders.
Manchester: Integrating Medicine and Innovative Technology (MIMIT) has joined forces with Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst to lead on an initiative with the Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC) Technology Transfer Organisations in England to address unmet healthcare need priorities in relation to neuro-degenerative disorders. The collaboration, involves Cambridge Enterprise, Imperial Innovations Ltd, King’s Business, UCL Business PLC and The University of Manchester Intellectual Property (with TRUSTECH) working closely together, with their parent AHSC’s, to scope, validate, prioritise and seek solutions to unmet health care needs.
The first initiative arising from this exciting joint AHSC collaboration was funded jointly between the Technology Transfer Organisations (listed above) and the National Innovation Centre and focussed on Hospital Acquired Infection. A second wave of projects focusing on unmet healthcare needs in relation to enhancing functional independence has been supported by Arthritis Research UK. This initiative has engaged patients and carers in the process of defining unmet healthcare needs.
The team is now delighted to have joined forces with Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst to address challenges in neurotherapeutics.
Allan Baxter, Chairman of Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst “We are delighted to be a part of this exciting network, a real example of Open Innovation with a focus on unmet clinical need; we are looking forward to progressing this specific project with the Academic Health Science Centres and MIMIT and to obtaining tangible outcomes that we can help translate into commercial reality and patient benefit, with the help of SBC’s extensive community of experts.”
The longer-term aspiration of the collaboration is to accelerate and enhance the quality of innovative technology solutions for healthcare via the AHSC Technology Transfer Organisations that are linked to the wider NHS, Department of Health priorities and the Growth Team Agenda.
‘The AHSCs and MIMIT have approached innovation in the most effective way – by looking at what the NHS needs as opposed to what innovations are available. The NHS is surrounded by a wealth of available technology – the skill lies in selecting or developing that technology to address the specific challenges facing the NHS.’ Former Director, National Innovation Centre
For further information and any interest in participating in a local scoping event taking place on the 3rd October, 10am – 12noon, please contact Pip Peakman, MIMIT Project Officer (philippa.peakman@manchester.ac.uk) or Arnaud Garcon, UMIP Commercialisation Executive (arnaud.garcon@umip.com).